International Balkan Symposium

The Balkans possess a unique position between Europe and Asia in terms of its geographical location and cultural diversities. The International Balkan Symposium with the overarching theme “Together in Peace – To the Future” and a wide range of specific topics in its scope is seeking to contemplate this unique structure of the Balkans in regional and global politics. Through discussions and scientific findings delivered by paper presenters during the symposium, it is aimed to draw policy and scholarly projections regarding the medium and long-term future of the Balkans.

The Symposium will convene online via a virtual platform. Symposium languages are Turkish, English, Albanian, Bosnian, and Bulgarian. Simultaneous translation service will be provided in these languages during the Symposium.

The presented papers will be published in the Symposium Proceedings and Abstracts Book by Istanbul Ticaret University.

“Together in Peace – To the Future”

The International Balkan Symposium Topics

1. Migration in the Balkans from the Past to the Present

2. Cultural and Commercial Diplomacy in the Balkans

3. Security and Cooperation in the Balkans

4. The Balkans in Turkish Foreign Policy

5. Borders and Identities in the Balkans

6. Turkey-Balkans and European Union Relations

7. Minorities and Political Representation in the Balkans

8. Current Political Discourses in the Balkans

9. Conflict Resolution and International Law in the Balkans

10. Nationalism and Nation State Building in the Balkans

11. Turkey’s Policies on the Related Communities (Kinship) in the Balkans

12. The Balkans and Energy Geopolitics

13. Developments in the Region of the former Yugoslavia Since the Dayton Agreement

14. Historical and Cultural Heritage in the Balkans

15. New Generation Private Sector and Public Relations in the Balkans

16. Economic Cooperation Between Turkey and the Balkans

The Symposium will include thematic sub-sessions which will be held by the Center for Industrial Policy and Development and Research Center for Neighboring Countries and Regions of Istanbul Ticaret University. Thus, by providing such a variety of platforms and panel discussions the Symposium will stand out in its qualitative distinction.

In addition to the paper presentations, special sessions will also be held at the symposium. These sessions will be in the form of workshops where many aspects of the region are discussed. Workshop program and participants will be announced at a upcaming date.

Considering the pandemic conditions, the symposium is planned to be held face-to-face and online (hybrid). In case of a new arrangement, updates on the method of the symposium will be shared with the participants.

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